Everything you need to know about milking fat

As soon as summer arrives, we are used to making our best arrangements. When we go to the shops, we give up winter products to focus on those that are sunnier! Among the many most sought-after items during the summer are bronzers, in particular: milking grease. This is a tanning product famous for its high tanning speed. Unfortunately, the catch is that it can damage the skin. What is this miracle fat? Why use it? What are the risks of using it? And the alternatives? All the answers to these questions in this article.


As its name suggests, it is a fat. The latter is used especially in the world of agriculture and livestock. It makes the farmer's job easier when he wants to milk a cow. To be clearer, milking fat is defined as a protective ointment based on oils of mineral origin. Fat is used on an animal to prevent multiple cracks and cracks from appearing during the milking process. Milking grease is also used to protect the hands of breeders and farmers, who during milking or other work are often in contact with cold and water.

Since fat protects the skin very well, many brands in the cosmetics industry have decided to include this famous fat in their raw materials. The latter is used in particular in the manufacture of skin care.


In the past, having tanned skin was a sign of poverty. This coloring appeared after an exposure of several hours to work under the sun. However, as soon as the middle of the 20th century arrived, these prejudices changed. Tanned skin has become trendy! The properties of milking fat are numerous. Oily, it accelerates the tanning effect thanks to the magnifying effect. The penetration of UV rays on the skin is done at high speed. A habit that has spread especially among summer vacationers. The action of milking grease is very fast. It is possible to see the first results quickly. The downside is that it dries out the skin and hardly protects it.


Above all, it is good to remember that you should never expose yourself to the sun without protection. Grease has no protective power and is drying, so it can aggravate the consequences of excessive exposure to UV rays from the sun. This has the effect of accelerating the aging of the skin eight times faster!

In short, the exposure of his body coated with milking fat to the sun permanently damages the skin. Other harmful effects of the sun are burns, wrinkles, pimples, age spots and even worse skin cancer (or melanoma).


To tan safely, you can opt for self-tanners, which protect against the sun and whose action depends on your skin texture. Here are some tips for using this product: Please lightly brush the dry parts; opt for typical self-tanners for each area of ​​the body that you want to tan and protect: for the face on the one hand and for the rest of the body on the other.